Case Study: Rapid Response

Success Story

Case Study: Tend

About the Company:

Tend in Austin, a trailblazing neobank, is revolutionizing banking through its vibrant social engine. Dedicated to fostering financial wellbeing, they're building a future where their community shapes the next wave of financial services. Their comprehensive open banking ecosystem integrates a variety of services – from banking to insurance, powered by the latest in AI and more, all under one roof.


The Challenge:

Facing a significant project backlog and a goal to triple their team size within a year, Tend encountered a dual challenge: speeding up hiring without compromising ongoing and future projects. They needed a strategy to quickly onboard top-tier teams while also fortifying their internal capabilities.


Coltech Solution:

To address their hiring needs, we introduced our rapid response solution. This approach enabled Fintech Austin to deploy teams of flexible workers with just 48 hours' notice, boosting productivity on current projects. The client gained the flexibility to select consultants for permanent roles, fostering internal growth without sidelining urgent projects. Key initiatives were put in place for a swift, effective, and inclusive hiring process.

Key Elements Used:

  1. Developed a roadmap to anticipate and manage project scale-ups
  2. Implemented a 5-day turnaround Service Level Agreement (SLA) for permanent hires
  3. Achieved a 24-hour turnaround for contract onboarding

Project Service Range

Discover how Coltech delivers trusted, aligned teams - accessible now for your critical and long-term project needs.

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Learn how our Rapid Response service can swiftly mobilize interim teams for your urgent projects, while you define your long-term needs, view details>

Explore our dedicated team approach, tailored to your project needs while respecting the unique complexities of your projects, view details>